Otex Express ear drops can be purchased over the counter to soften and remove built-up earwax. The ear is self-cleaning, and the wax should naturally clear itself if it is soft enough. However, occasionally there can be a build-up that can't be removed. If the wax is noticed on the outer ear, a wipe with a clean flannel may be all that is needed. The clinically proven Otex express ear drops are formulated to break down and disperse hardened ear wax, allowing it to naturally run out of the ear. The antiseptic active ingredient urea hydrogen peroxide works by reacting with the air to soften the hard wax and help disperse it. Often it will come with a dropper for a more straightforward application.
Olive oil drops can be purchased over the counter to soften and remove built-up earwax. The ear is self-cleaning, and the wax will clear naturally if it is soft enough. It is unnecessary to try to remove the wax yourself. However, occasionally there can be a build-up that can’t be removed. If the wax is noticed on the outer ear, a wipe with a clean washcloth may be all that is needed. Olive oil is a natural formulation that softens and dissolves impacted or hardened earwax, allowing it to run out of the ear naturally. Often it will come with a dropper or as a spray for easier use.
There are some scenarios where earwax should be treated proactively, such as when it is blocking the ear canal. Other symptoms that should lead to earwax treatment are if there is vertigo, hearing loss, earache, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), or a cough that is thought to be caused by earwax.