Anxiety can set in ahead of big events such as an interview or an exam, or you may just be feeling a bit on edge without any particular cause. Some pharmacy products are known to calm mild anxiety and that panicky feeling that can rise up. Let’s take a look at some of them on the market.
Anxiety can set in ahead of big events such as an interview or an exam, or you may just be feeling a bit on edge without any particular cause. Some pharmacy products are known to calm mild anxiety and that panicky feeling that can rise up. Let’s take a look at one of them on the market in more detail.
St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a plant with an extract that’s been used for centuries as a mood enhancer – it can help to relieve mild depression and mild anxiety. You don’t need a prescription, it’s available from your pharmacy.
Sertraline is a medication used to help people with mental health issues. It works by increasing a chemical in the brain called serotonin and falls under the family of medication called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which helps to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Sertraline is commonly used to treat conditions like depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. While it can be helpful for many people, it may have some side effects like nausea or insomnia. Your doctor will determine if sertraline is safe and suitable for your specific situation.
Anxiety can set in ahead of big events such as an interview or an exam, or you may just be feeling a bit on edge without any particular cause. Some pharmacy products are known to calm mild anxiety and that panicky feeling that can rise up. Let’s take a look at one of them on the market in more detail.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (also known as CBT) is a type of talking therapy used to help treat a range of mental health conditions. It is based on the concept of helping a patient understand their thoughts and behaviors, aiming to assist the patient to identify negative thought and behavior patterns and cycles, making adjustments to those and learning healthy coping strategies for dealing with challenges and difficulties. There are different ways to do CBT; it can be led by a therapist and done either 1:1 or in a group. CBT can be done without a therapist leading it, through book form (which walks you step by step through exercises), or online in the form of computerized CBT. It can also be conducted over the phone or via online video call. CBT is normally done in several weekly or fortnightly sessions, which can be between half an hour and an hour long. The minimum number of sessions tends to be around 4 but can be up to about 20 sessions.