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Asthma: I’ve been diagnosed, what now?

Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger HendersonReviewed on 29.04.2024 | 4 minutes read

Asthma is a long-term condition causing inflammation of the airways. Most people have a mild form, and symptoms are kept at bay through regular medication to dampen down inflammation. Occasionally people get flare-ups, where symptoms come back, and this may require stronger treatment.

Once you are on the right treatment for you, and you have an asthma plan that tells you when to increase or decrease doses, most people go on to lead a normal life – able to exercise, work and enjoy family life.

Doctor’s advice

What's the treatment?

You will typically be prescribed two inhalers. The first is a blue inhaler, salbutamol. This is called a reliever, as it temporarily widens your airways to reduce the feeling of chest tightness and breathlessness. Its effect lasts for a couple of hours. You can take two puffs of this up to four times a day – it can be more effective if taken via a spacer. Your doctor, practice nurse or pharmacist can show you how. If you only need to use a reliever inhaler very occasionally – such as after exercise sometimes or if the pollen count is very high and causes you to get hay fever symptoms for example – you often don’t need another type of inhaler.

The second inhaler is known as a preventer, as it dampens down inflammation in the long-term, altering the course of your asthma. This reduces daily symptoms, flare-ups and reliance on your reliever inhaler. The preventer inhaler can come in a multitude of colours and ways to activate it, according to your preference and how severe your asthma is.

These inhalers should be on your repeat list, so you can request them to be prescribed again before you run out.

When should I see my doctor?

Your doctor will arrange reviews every few weeks after an asthma diagnosis until you are on the right treatment and you feel more comfortable. You should expect no symptoms overnight, be able to manage your usual daily activities and job, and you should be using a reliever inhaler less than three times per week at most.

Once stabilised, you will be given a written asthma plan, so you are aware of symptoms of a flare-up and can increase your treatment, or increasing if you anticipate being in an environment that worsens your asthma (such as being somewhere dusty or with pets, during winter or if you have a chest infection).

You should see your doctor urgently if your symptoms worsen or persist despite increasing treatment according to your asthma plan. You should look out for four key symptoms: chest tightness, feeling short of breath, a cough or a wheeze (a high-pitched sound when you breathe out).

With well-controlled asthma, you will be invited for a review at least once a year by your doctor or practice nurse, and they will assess symptoms and peak flow readings.

Am I allowed to exercise?

The short answer is yes and there are many well-known sports stars who have asthma! The aim of asthma treatment is to allow you to lead as normal and fulfilled a life as possible. Exercise keeps us all healthy, but it’s a great way of keeping your lung tissue elastic and blood and oxygen flowing to nourish the lungs.

If exercise is a trigger, you may need to take salbutamol beforehand, and afterwards if symptoms occur. Your doctor may also suggest increasing the dose of your preventer inhaler. Exercise may not be the only trigger, as where you’re exercising can impact it too including factors such as cold air, pollen or pollution if outdoors, or a dusty environment if indoors.

Sex is also a form of exercise, increasing your breathing and heart rate, and there’s no reason asthma should get in the way of this if it’s well-controlled – just apply the same rules of having your salbutamol inhaler nearby and seeing your doctor if you are over-relying on your inhaler or symptoms persist.

Is there anything I can do to keep well?

Knowledge is everything, so the more you know about your condition and your specific triggers, the better. The Asthma UK charity is a good source of information. Ensuring you stick to your asthma plan and using your daily inhalers as advised is also going to benefit you. In time, you will learn to step up and step down medication according to your symptoms and anticipating triggers.

We all know that smoking has no positive health benefits, but it can be detrimental for asthma sufferers – ask your doctor about stop smoking services, and encourage anyone in your household to kick the habit.

Asthma often goes alongside hay fever – try over-the-counter remedies for your hay fever, and see your doctor if these aren’t strong enough. Pollen can trigger asthma in itself, but having hay fever well-controlled will help keep your asthma under control.

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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger Henderson
Reviewed on 29.04.2024
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