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Anders Lundbäck

Västerås, Sweden | Updated: 19.12.2023 | 2 min read

My morning routine

Me and my wife take the dog for a walk in the forest. She’s a 1 year old Golden Retriever who needs a lot of play and exercise. Come back for breakfast, check in with the Healthwords team and product from my standing desk. Breakfast is typically a light type of sugar free yoghurt with homemade granola and lingonberry jam with tea or coffee. I also have a vitamin D tablet in the darker parts of the year.

My health hacks

For myself I find that it's less about hacks and diets and more just about staying consistent with regular exercise and eating healthy. With that said I do like the OMAD+B eating pattern. I love coffee and for me it's a great way to delay my hunger until the next meal, starting the day with a late but nutritious breakfast. Skipping the typical rushed office lunch in central London, would often be good for both my health and wallet!

What I like to eat

I like to eat fibre rich foods, roast vegetables and potatoes with various protein. I love a good kitchen appliance and use an Instant Pot and air fryer quite frequently. Keeping the freezer stocked with frozen vegetables is handy to air fry.

What I avoid to eat

I try to avoid sugary drinks like coke and processed foods. I always look at the amounts of sugar that's in my regular items like yoghurt and granola/musli and pick the low sugar option. If it's too sour I prefer to add my own honey or a drip of syrup. I know I'll eat sweets if they are in the house, so I simply don't buy them and it's less of an issue.

My exercise plan

I try to go to the gym a couple of times a week. I like to play paddle with friends as well every now and again, it's a very popular sport here in Sweden and can work up a good sweat, although less than tennis or squash I find. Living in a cycle friendly city, I try to walk and cycle to get around whenever I can. I also go swimming occasionally.

My typical gym session 

Warm up for 10min on the row machine.

I like to focus on the three big free weight exercises - squats, dead lift and bench press. I would do one of those per gym session and compliment with additional exercises, for example:

  • legs + core (squats),
  • chest + arms (bench press)
  • back + shoulders (deadlift)

Cooldown and stretch. Eat and drink well and get plenty of rest afterwards.

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