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Managing COVID symptoms

Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger HendersonReviewed on 29.04.2024 | 3 minutes read

Symptoms of COVID-19 have changed as the virus has evolved into different strains, and as the population has mostly become vaccinated. Those infected with the current most common strain, Omicron, are more likely to have milder symptoms of a cold or flu.

This is especially true if you are fully vaccinated. You are likely to feel unwell for a few days but will be able to fight it off, especially if you are young, fit and in good health usually.

That said, no one enjoys the flu or even a cold very much, so let’s take you through some simple measures to help you feel better.

I’ve got a fever

A fever is described as a temperature over 37.8C. It's worth keeping a thermometer at home, but if you don’t have one handy, you might just feel hot and sweaty or with hot-cold chills.

You can bring down your temperature by drinking plenty of cool fluids to avoid dehydration and resting. Paracetamol or ibuprofen will help reduce your temperature.

I’ve got a cough

Typically with COVID you may have a continuous cough, usually dry, and causing bouts of coughing. It’s always worse at night, so try to lie on your side rather than your back.

Fluids can help soothe the throat and stop it getting dry and irritated, and warm herbal teas can be comforting. A teaspoon of honey may also be effective.

Cough suppressants such as those containing dextromethorphan and soothing lozenges such as Strepsils or others are available from your local pharmacist to offer relief.

I feel breathless

If you feel breathless, it’s important to monitor your oxygen saturations (the amount of oxygen in your tissues) with a pulse oximeter. It might be worth buying one of these to have in your medical cabinet, or your GP or 111 may be able to help loan one to you if you are experiencing symptoms.

As doctors, we worry when your oxygen saturations fall below 94% consistently. You should urgently speak to your GP or 111. If it’s 92% or below, you should go to A&E immediately or call an ambulance.

Breathlessness can naturally bring on a feeling of panic, but this can may things worse. Think about simple measures to help yourself: keep the room slightly cool and with some fresh outdoor air. Try sitting upright, with good posture, and breathing slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth, to help control your breathing.

I can’t smell or taste anything

Washing your nose and mouth daily has been shown to be promising in preliminary studies to remove microorganisms, like bacteria and viruses. For the mouth, a simple antimicrobial mouthwash will be beneficial, while for the nose, nasal irrigation with saline solution is best.

COVID-19 has been known to attack the olfactory system that sends messages of smell to the brain to interpret. If this symptom persists beyond the initial week or two, try smell retraining techniques, and you could also try zinc and vitamin A supplements. You can see your GP who may consider a course of steroid tablets or steroid nasal spray to try to bring your sense of smell back.

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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger Henderson
Reviewed on 29.04.2024
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