Charles Ebubedike

Healthwords is set to push the boundaries of what is possible in the self-care space and helping to empower consumers to take control of their own health and well-being.

Charles Ebubedike


Charles is one of's co-founders. He sets the vision and strategy for the company and oversees all aspects of our global operations. He identified and successfully launched the first products, works closely with our professional advisors and commercial partners and has opened manufacturing and retail channels in the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

Prior to Healthwords, Charles held positions in business development at Lundbeck, Merz, and PDC Healthcare. These roles involved the successful liaison with the formulary committees which decide on the inclusion and exclusion of drugs from NHS and private formularies. An inclusion or exclusion decision from these bodies can affect the commercial fate of new drugs and existing drugs with new indications.

His educational portfolio includes a Master’s in Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy, University of Portsmouth; and Therapeutics at the School of Medicine, University of Newcastle.