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Xeroderma (dry skin)

Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger HendersonReviewed on 29.04.2024 | 3 minutes read

Under its fancy Greek title of xeros (dry) and derma (skin), dry skin can be intensely itchy. It feels rough and flakes easily. Cracks and redness can form in more severe cases.

It affects both sexes and is more common in Caucasian skin than those whose skin has a higher oil content, such as Afro-Caribbean or Mediterranean skin types.

Children can be particularly at risk, and this may take the form of eczema - where inflammation of the uppermost layer of skin causes dryness, and this is most likely to appear on the insides of elbows or the backs of knees. Eczema may run in families or go alongside asthma or hay fever.

Dry skin is a variant of normal skin and is not contagious.

Doctor’s advice

How common is it?

Dry skin is very common in the elderly, owing to loss of elasticity, collagen and fat (asteatosis)- this commonly occurs on the lower legs. A lack of oestrogen can cause the same effect in menopausal women. The key to treating this is to moisturise, moisturise, moisturise. Particularly in winter, particularly if you live in a hard water area, particularly if you are addicted to long hot bubble baths, and particularly if you are elderly or post-menopausal.

Healthwords pharmacists' top tips

There are a plethora of emollients that can be used to treat dry skin conditions and help retain moisture in the skin. It is often a case of trying and finding the right one (or a combination) that works best for your skin type or condition.

Emollients can come in a variety of formulations such as creams, ointments, oils, as well as soap substitutes and bath additives. They all serve the same purpose of aiming to moisturise the skin.

Creams generally absorb quite well into the skin and provide a good moisture barrier and hydrate to the top layers of the skin known as the epidermis. This can help treat dry and dehydrated skin cells, and help to maintain elasticity and prevent cracks in the top skin layer.

Ointments generally do not absorb as well into the skin as well as creams, and are often more greasy in consistency. They tend to sit on top of the skin and provide an additional barrier over the skin. This is particularly useful for very dry skin, or in harsh weather conditions.

Ointments can be used alone, or in combination with creams, however it is advisable that creams should be used first, and be allowed to absorb into the skin ideally for around 30 minutes, before an ointment is used to provide an additional greasy barrier over the skin.

Lotions like Aveeno lotion can be used instead of creams and ointments where the area of skin to be moisturised is over a large area, or over a particularly hairy area, since these are finer in consistency and are easier to apply.

For particularly sensitive skin, it is ideal to use very mild skin products that are either hypoallergenic, fragrance or colour free where possible, especially for children’s skin. Many emollients are designed to moisturise the skin, and also be used as soap substitutes, or as bath additives.

Am I fit for work?

Yes you are fit for work if you have dry skin.

When should I see my doctor?

If your itch is not responding to over-the-counter remedies, it's widespread or you develop a rash, you should book an urgent appointment with your doctor, who will discuss your symptoms and examine you. They may decide to send you for further tests and refer you if necessary to a specialist.

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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger Henderson
Reviewed on 29.04.2024
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