Pregnancy & Breastfeeding


Zika Virus: Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention Tips

Zika Virus: Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention Tips

Zika virus disease is an infection that is spread by mosquitoes. Most people who are bitten and catch Zika virus suffer no symptoms at all. Any symptoms are usually mild and last for around a week. These are similar to most viral infections: muscle aches, joint aches, headaches, fever, rash, irritated eyes (conjunctivitis). Zika virus becomes important only in its threat of danger to pregnant women. An unborn baby can suffer from birth defects, such as having a smaller than normal head size (microcephaly). Zika does not exist in the UK, but is present in many hot countries. You catch it after a bite from the Aedes mosquito, which may carry the virus. The same mosquitoes can also carry dengue and yellow fever, two serious tropical diseases, so there are lots of reasons to take steps to prevent being bitten. Aedes mosquitoes are active during the daytime, with bites most likely in the early morning or afternoon and evening. It’s worth being well-informed about the risks wherever you are travelling to. Up-to-date Zika virus maps can be found online, or your doctor's practice nurse or travel health clinic can provide further information. Zika virus is contagious and can be passed on from an infected individual via sex, including vaginal, anal and oral.

Thrush During Breastfeeding: Causes and Relief Tips

Thrush During Breastfeeding: Causes and Relief Tips

Thrush is caused by a fungal infection called candida, which can enter and affect the breast and nipple area in breastfeeding women. This can happen when breastfeeding causes the nipples to become cracked or sore if the latch or position is incorrect. Thrush can develop after a course of antibiotics, as antibiotics can reduce the number of good bacteria that help fight away infections like fungus. Thrush on the breast can cause breastfed babies to develop thrush in their mouths also.

Fontanelle Soft Spot on a Baby's Head

Fontanelle Soft Spot on a Baby's Head

If you’ve ever run a hand over your baby’s head and found sunken bits that feel soft against parts of the skull, you are not alone. These are called fontanelles, and there are several, but the two most defined are at the front of the top of the head (the anterior fontanelle) and at the back of the top of the head (posterior fontanelle). In newborns, the skull is composed of fairly soft bone plates that can squish together and overlap to get the head through the birth canal during labour. They are flexible for the skull to expand for the developing brain. Given time, these skull plates will fuse, eventually forming the hard protective shell that we know as the skull in adults. Before then, fontanelles are little gaps between the skull plates. They are soft because they are made up of membranes rather than bone. They are entirely normal, and can be helpful on occasion in our medical assessment.

Postnatal Depression: Symptoms and Support

Postnatal Depression: Symptoms and Support

Postnatal depression - sometimes also called PND or postpartum depression - is a type of depression that happens after having a baby and can affect anyone around the baby. It is by far most common in the mother (PND occurs in 1 in 10 women) but can also occasionally occur in the fathers. Your doctor will ask you about these symptoms at your six-week check but if you want to speak to someone about it earlier, contact your doctor straight away. It's always important to seek advice from your doctor if you think you may be experiencing postnatal depression. Postnatal depression can get worse over time without any intervention and persist for months, so it’s really important to get the right support early for you and your family.

Mastitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Mastitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Mastitis is inflammation of the tissues of the breast, leading it to become hot, painful, and swollen. It commonly occurs in women who are breastfeeding but non-lactating women and men can also get it. In breastfeeding women, it can occur when the milk builds up in the breast or from a blockage in the milk ducts. If you have sore or cracked nipples it also makes it easier for bacteria to enter the milk ducts and often sore/cracked nipples can be caused by incorrect feeding technique and latching position or wearing tight-fitting clothing. Other people at risk of this condition include smokers and those with a weakened immune system. Irritation or damage to the skin around the nipples, through plucking the hairs or nipple piercings as well as certain skin conditions like eczema or having breast implants can increase your risk of having mastitis.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Symptoms & Treatment

Hyperemesis gravidarum is severe vomiting in pregnancy that continues for an extended period of time. Although nausea and vomiting are very common in early pregnancy, and often referred to as morning sickness, it tends to be mild and improves around the start of the second trimester (week 13). In contrast, hyperemesis gravidarum is actually quite rare, only occurring in around 1 in 100 pregnancies, although it can last beyond the 2nd trimester in some cases. If left untreated it can become life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. The good news is that when treated effectively, there should be no long-term complications for mother or baby.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome FASD: Symptoms & Effects

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome FASD: Symptoms & Effects

Foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition which occurs as a consequence of women drinking alcohol during their pregnancy. It covers a wide range of symptoms and affects each baby differently. Examples include facial changes and learning disabilities, trouble with coordination or attention and hyperactivity. It can also affect the kidneys, bones, and the heart, and cause growth problems. The term foetal alcohol spectrum disorder is often used interchangeably, but more specifically describes certain collections of symptoms related to damage by alcohol during pregnancy, of which FAS is the most severe end of the spectrum. Symptoms may be subtle and there may be no physical signs, but it’s thought to be underdiagnosed, and numbers have risen in recent years along with alcohol abuse.

Engorgement: Causes and Treatment for Breast Pain

Engorgement: Causes and Treatment for Breast Pain

Breast engorgement happens when your breasts become too full up of milk. This causes them to feel tight and painful and hard and can be very uncomfortable for a mum. Engorgement can also affect the nipple, becoming stretched or flat and painful. This can be unsettling for babies as it becomes difficult for them to attach to the breast properly.  Breast engorgement happens when the supply and demand of milk are out of sync. Commonly it occurs in the early days when both mother and baby are getting used to each other's needs. But it can also happen later when the baby is older and begins reducing the amount or the frequency of their feeds, for example when transitioning to solids, cow’s milk, or formula milk, or if mum is away from home for longer than usual. 

Colic in Babies: Common Symptoms and How to Find Relief

Colic in Babies: Common Symptoms and How to Find Relief

Colic is a really common condition in babies, and symptoms vary but there's usually fussing and crying for a prolonged period of time. Some babies can look like they are in intense pain and either scream inconsolably or fuss and whimper constantly. At times some babies can clench their fists, arch their back, and even go red in the face. Prolonged crying means that a baby can swallow air, usually harmless. If this is the case, passing gas can sometimes provide them with some relief.
