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Daktarin Oral Gel : Treatment for oral thrush

Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed by Mohommed Essop-AdamReviewed on 30.10.2023 | 3 minutes read

It is an oral gel used to treat oral fungal infections such as oral candidiasis, also known as oral thrush. It contains the active ingredient miconazole, an antifungal medicine. It is available as a pharmacy medicine found only behind the counter.

Doctor’s advice

Who is it for

Symptoms of oral thrush include white furry-looking patches inside the mouth, including the inner cheeks, tongue and back of the throat. Other symptoms include a sore throat or gums and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. It is available for children and adults aged four months and over to treat oral thrush.

In babies and younger children, irritability and unwillingness to feed or eat may also be signs of oral thrush. It is essential to treat. Otherwise, the infection may spread to other parts of the body. In breastfed babies, the infection may be passed onto the mother and cause nipple thrush, which may be treated using an antifungal cream.

How does it work, and how to take it?

Daktarin oral gel kills the presence of fungi and yeasts by interfering with an essential component called ergosterol that fungi rely on to live.

Follow the dosage instructions on the patient information leaflet for the correct age group. Babies and adults will require different doses.

  • Measure out the correct dosage with the measuring spoon provided.
  • Apply the gel to the affected areas of the mouth with a clean finger, and let it sit for as long as possible before swallowing (do not apply near the back of the throat in babies and young children to minimise the risk of choking).
  • This should be done four times a day after food.
  • Continue for one week after symptoms have disappeared to prevent reinfection.

Dentures should be removed at night and brushed with gel if you wear dentures.

Symptoms should improve in about a week. See your doctor if there are still no signs of improvement after a week of use.

Pharmacist recommended products

Oral hygiene

The organism that causes oral thrush, Candida albicans, is yeast fungi that occur naturally in the mouth. Its numbers are usually kept in balance due to our immune system. However, certain conditions can result in its overgrowth. Taking medications such as antibiotics, steroids (oral or inhaler form), and chemotherapy can all increase the risk of getting oral thrush by altering the environment to favour yeast growth.

Certain health conditions like diabetes or HIV that can lower your immune system can also increase this risk. However certain conditions can result in its overgrowth. Taking medications such as antibiotics, steroids (oral or inhaler form), and chemotherapy can all increase the risk of getting oral thrush by altering the environment to favour the growth of yeast. Having certain health conditions like diabetes or HIV that can lower your immune system can also increase this risk too. You can help to prevent oral thrush by maintaining good oral hygiene: brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing, seeing a dentist regularly, cleaning your dentures (if you wear any), and reducing the amounts of sugary foods you eat.

If you use inhalers that contain steroids, you should rinse your mouth after each dose. Then you should also rinse your mouth out after each dose.

Are there any side effects?

Daktarin oral gel can interact with certain medications. If you are unsure whether you should use it, talk to your doctor or pharmacist first. Daktarin oral gel can interact with certain medications, if you are not sure whether you should use it or not talk to your doctor or pharmacist first.

You should NOT use Daktarin oral gel if you are taking the following medications, unless under your doctor's guidance:



sulfonylureas (a type of antidiabetic medicine)

If you are taking statins, your doctor or pharmacist may advise you to temporarily stop them whilst using Daktarin oral gel.

Common side effects of Daktarin oral gel include: nausea or vomiting, taste disturbance and dry mouth.

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Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed by Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed on 30.10.2023
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