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Optrex Infected Eye Drops

Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed by Mohommed Essop-AdamReviewed on 30.10.2023 | 3 minutes read

Optrex Infected Eye Drops are used to treat minor bacterial eye infections (such as bacterial conjunctivitis). If you are unsure if you have it, have a look at our article on conjunctivitis. They contain the active ingredient chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic that works against a wide variety of bacteria.

Viral and fungal eye infections can cause very similar symptoms but need different treatment.

Due to the frequency that the eye drops need to be applied, using them at night is not advised. Therefore, the pharmacist may also suggest chloramphenicol eye ointment for use at night.

Doctor’s advice

Who are Optrex Infected Eye Drops for?

Optrex Infected Eye Drops are available over the counter for adults and children over the age of 2 years for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Often people get confused between bacterial and viral conjunctivitis. If you are unsure, you may need to speak to your pharmacist. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your pharmacist to distinguish them from other eye conditions that may need different treatments. In some situations, your pharmacist may suggest an alternative eye treatment that could be more appropriate than chloramphenicol.

What are the symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis?

Bacterial conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an eye infection caused by bacteria. The symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis can vary but commonly include:

  1. Redness and Pinkness: The white part of the affected eye may appear reddened or pinkish in color.
  2. Eye Discharge: There is often a thick, sticky discharge from the eye, which can be yellow, green, or white in color. This discharge may cause the eyelids to stick together, especially upon waking up.
  3. Eye Irritation and Itching: The infected eye may feel itchy, irritated, and uncomfortable. There may be a sensation of grittiness or the feeling that something is in the eye.
  4. Tearing: Excessive tearing or watery eyes may occur, leading to increased tear production.
  5. Swelling: The eyelids may become swollen and puffy, making it difficult to open or close the eyes fully.
  6. Sensitivity to Light: Bacterial conjunctivitis can cause sensitivity to light, known as photophobia, making it uncomfortable to be in bright environments.

It is important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other types of conjunctivitis or eye conditions. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

How do I use Optrex Infected Eye Drops?

To begin with, Optrex Infected Eye Drops are not suitable with contact lenses. They also need to be stored in the fridge, even after opening.

  • For the first 48 hours of treatment, 1 drop should be used in the affected eye(s) every 2 hours of the day.
  • After 48 hours, the frequency can be reduced to every 4 hours of the day.
  • You should continue using chloramphenicol eye drops for 2 days after the eye appears normal up to a maximum treatment duration of 5 days.
  • If your symptoms show no improvement within 48hrs or get any worse, you should see your doctor quickly as you may need alternative treatment.
  • Discard any remaining contents after 28 days of first opening the bottle.

Are there any side effects?

As with any medication, some people are bound to get some unwanted side effects. Some of the common ones include irritation, blurred vision, stinging, and itching of the eyes. However, it is generally well tolerated.

Should anyone not use Optrex Infected Eye Drops?

As always, do not use the medication if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in it. Optrex Infected Eye Drops should not be used in children under 2 years or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless under supervision by a doctor. Optrex Infected Eye Drops are not suitable for you if you have bone marrow depression or a family history of blood problems (such as low blood cell counts). If you wear contact lenses, you should speak to your doctor urgently as serious eye infections are more common. You should also speak to your doctor before using Optrex Infected Eye Drops if you have blurred vision, cloudy vision, eye pain, any eye conditions such as glaucoma, or your eye(s) are more sensitive to light.

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Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed by Mohommed Essop-Adam
Reviewed on 30.10.2023