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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger HendersonReviewed on 29.04.2024 | 2 minutes read

Bonjela is an over-the-counter medication that can be used by those over the age of 16 to relieve pain, discomfort and inflammation caused by mouth ulcers. It can also be used to treat pain in the mouth caused by other conditions such as cold sores and sore spots from dentures and braces.

Who is it for?

Bonjela (adult and cool mint varieties) can be used by patients over the age of 16. For patients below the age of 16, bonjela junior gel or bonjela soothing teething gel should be used instead.

How does it work?

Bonjela contains two active ingredients, the antiseptic cetalkonium chloride that helps fight infections, and choline salicylate which helps relieve pain caused by inflammation. Bonjela has broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, alongside its anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties.

Should anyone avoid taking it?

The adult formulations should not be used by anyone below the age of 16. You should also not use bonjela if you are suffering from a stomach ulcer. If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the gel.

Are there any side-effects?

As with any medications, some people are bound to get some unwanted side effects. Some of the common ones include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, itching and swelling of face, tongue or throat.

If you have shortness of breath, swelling of the mouth or tongue, or breathing difficulty and think this could be a severe allergic reaction you should call 999.

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Dr Roger Henderson
Reviewed by Roger Henderson
Reviewed on 29.04.2024
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